Founded in 1992, Africa Foundation is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to uplift, up-skill and empower the rural communities adjacent to conservation areas in Africa. Africa Foundation focuses on education, health-care, small business development and conservation projects. In South Africa, we work in the Kwa Zulu Natal and Mpumalanga provinces. For the past sixteen years, we have worked extensively in the following communities surrounding the Sabi Sand Wildtuin in Mpumalanga: Lillydale, Justicia, Huntington, Newington C, Kildare, Somerset, Dumphries and Metsi. Our main focus is to bring meaningful development to these areas.
To date, we have built over 200 classrooms and granted bursaries to 436 students, 82 of these being from the Sabi Sand communities. Other projects include providing water to schools, clinics, and community centres in the form of the distribution of Hippo Water Rollers, boreholes, pumps and water tanks. The other focus is on the building of centres for volunteers to offer home-based care and support for orphans and vulnerable children; support for a craft centre; the establishment of vegetable gardens to support nutrition programmes and in general on the improvement of the quality of life in these communities..