It is one of Sabi Sabi’s core philosophies that in order for conservation to be successful in Africa, there needs to be an integral and participatory relationship between tourism operations and the neighbouring local communities. The reserve strives to promote ‘People and Parks’ issues by integrating conservation and community development as much as possible. Community Based Natural Resource Management is increasingly becoming a priority in the Sabi Sabi management policies. Many of Sabi Sabi’s staff live in the neighbouring communities and an ongoing internal training programme is in place that promotes and encourages skills development. Over the past several years, Sabi Sabi has been a major contributor to the “Teach The Teachers” and “Reach and Teach” education programmes. They have invested in, and provided support in various forms, from the Lillydale Environmental Education Centre, which serves as a multifunctional environmental education centre, Swa Vana Care Centre (a centre for orphans and vulnerable youth) to the Mazinyane Pre-School. Since 2008, Sabi Sabi has also been instrumental in the support of “Dreamfields”, which is a sports development programme, funding kits for soccer and netball teams to a number of primary and high schools in the local community.