The Sabi Sand Pfunanani Trust was established to serve the communities around the Sabi Sand Wildtuin (Game Reserve). The reserve is a main source of employment in the region and plays a pivotal role in the social well-being of local people. As founder of the trust, the Sabi Sand Wildtuin realised that by partnering communities and conservation they could achieve positive social change. By uplifting local communities, the future of the area’s wildlife heritage is ensured. The Sabi Sand Wildtuin contributes towards the trust by funding the overheads in full, so that all the proceeds of donations go entirely towards projects. The immediate focus is on the 11 villages neighbouring the Sabi Sand Wildtuin. The primary focus areas of the Sabi Sand Pfunanani Trust are: Education, Environment and Enterprise Development.

Education – youth leadership development, provision of school infrastructure, Project Dignity washable sanitary towels, vegetable gardens in schools and access to digital learning are initiated and supported.

Enterprise – small businesses are supported with training, mentorship and marketing.

Environment – Community based conservation is encouraged and the programmes include Rhino Ambassadors, anti-rhino poaching skills training, water provision, bush clearing and alien plant clearing