A little known fact is that up to 60% of rural African girls drop out of school because of menstruation and a lack of access to basic sanitary wear, leaving them socially, economically and politically marginalised.

Project Dignity is designed to empower pubescent school girls to complete their education with dignity by equipping them with basic sanitary wear. These packs will allow girls to attend school more consistently, achieve their full academic potential and make confident choices about the future.

The EsiDulini Community Trust, in partnership with the Sabi Sands Trust, has identified schools in 11 villages surrounding the Sabi Sand Wildtuin. Statistics show that there are over 4000 female learners of pubescent age in the schools of these villages. It is our aim to deliver dignity to every pubescent girl in our area by providing ongoing access to packs of washable/re-usable sanitary towels.